segunda-feira, 1 de abril de 2013

Hotel flooded

Today I made a big mistake because I didn't pay attention at bathroom's door advice

So I was taking a pleasure hot bath when suddenly the fire alarm shot and water coming down all over the building. So bad

(Un)fortunately I'm fine but I'll work too much to pay for the damages if I'll not be arrested.

6 comentários:

reverie disse...

que horror!!! e aí? conta mais. precisa de alguma ajuda?

reverie disse...
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reverie disse...

que situação!! seu inglês foi suficiente para resolver isso?

Lauro disse...

Sorry for the joke but April 1st is Fool's day forgive me but it is all I can do after walking at path of philosophy :-)

reverie disse...


Lauro disse...

good mood makes life good